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DNA is the most robust and full-function connnectivity product availabletoday for tying together DEC networks and their open systemscounterparts--principally, TCP/IP-based networks running under the UNIXoperating system. Services Include: -- Full-Function Phase IV DECnetNode. Configurable to Level 1 or 2 router or end node. -- UnmatchedInterface Support. Including Token, FDDI, DDCMP Asynch and Ethernet. --Extensive GUI Support. HP VUE, AIX Windows and X/Motif Windowsapplications run under Dec Windows and Pathworks' DEC Windows-- andvice versa. Includes a pcx_server program to start PC Pathworksapplications on DNA-enable open systems. -- Network Management Functions.For DECnet nodes, LAT servers, ports and queues. Full NCP command setwith VAX-like command line interface and VMS-like help. Monitors LATport and queue status via MOP console. Provides MOP Console andunattended or forced downline loads. Automatically stores userspecified LAT Terminal Server and Port configura- tions. -- HighlyFunctional File Transfer. High speed, CPU-efficient transfer. SupportsVAX-like com- mands, including recursive directory copy,delete/confirm, submit and print. -- Extensive E-Mail Services.Transparent mail exchange among DEC, VMS and All-in-One Mail and UNIXsendmail. -- VMS-Like Help Facilities. Extensive online Ki help,including man pages and command line help services. -- Flexible PrintServices. Prints open system files to any VAX print queue on any VMSsystem using any VMS print options and allows VMS printing to DNAsystem' printers. Supports LAT printing to and from DNA system. --Automated Logon via CTERM, LAT and MOP. From DNA-enabled systems viaUUCP chat-like scripting. -- Complete Application Program Interface.Includes DAP, NICE, LAT, MOP AND DECnet.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.3,2.4,2.5

108 S Harrington St
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: 9198398112
        (800) 945-4454
Fax: 9198399139